Exploring Place-based Impact Investing


Place-based investing creates a close link between investors and investees. It offers people with surplus (a little or a lot) opportunities to invest in solutions for their area and projects they believe in. Join us to gain insight into a model that combines national organizing with regionally focused investment.



  • The National Social Value Fund is a youth-led impact investment group currently supporting place-based investing in seven cities across Canada. The Kingston Social Value Fund is part of this group.

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  • The Kingston Social Value Fund (KSFV) is Kingston's first youth-led impact investment organization that connects social purpose organizations with community investors.

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Expert Conversations

Hear from impact leaders Elena Yugai, Social Value Fund, and Keshiv Kaushal, Kingston Social Value Fund, as they share their experiences, expertise, tools, and resources for place-based investing.

  • Elena Yugai’s work lies at the intersection of impact investing and social entrepreneurship. She works as an Account Manager at Canada’s first impact-focused bank - Vancity Community Investment Bank, and serves as Board Chair of the National Social Value Fund, a student-led impact investment organization. She has been named one of BC’s Most Influential Women in Tech - STEM Stars 2018 by BC Magazine and is an active contributor to the social innovation scene as an advisor, mentor and board member to social enterprises and the organizations that support them.

  • Keshiv is a passionate advocate for place-based impact investing and community economic development, with a focus on how impact investing can practically drive outcomes for defined communities. He is currently in his final year of the Commerce program at Queen’s University, where he co-founded the Kingston Social Value Fund and co-chairs the Queen’s Social Investment Initiative. Professionally, he works with SVX as an Advisory and Funds Analyst and the County of Lennox & Addington as an Economic Development Strategist. Keshiv has completed his CSC, SASB FSA credential, and the Social Innovation Academy Fellowship. Prior to joining SVX, Keshiv has held strategy consulting roles with the National Social Value Fund and Bond Brand Loyalty and completed consulting engagements with social enterprises, municipal governments, and corporations.