Getting Control of Your Numbers


Take some time to plan, budget, and forecast your finances with us. We will take you step by step through these processes on topics such as cash flows, debt management, and accounting basics.



  • “For us to do more creative, social good, our farm businesses (and lifestyles) need to be financially sustainable. Getting your finances together gives you the ability to make smarter decisions and be dynamic with your business.”

    Source: Madelaine Clark

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  • Learn more from Madelaine about the Accounting Impacts of Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership and Incorporation.

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  • “If this is your first experience with financial planning and analysis, you won’t have a perfect start up budget, income statement or cash flow prediction, but that’s okay! We can start with clarifying your financial vision and take steps toward financial planning. Forecasting your farm finances can be an overwhelming process so make sure to seek help and revisit your plan often. Approach the financial planning process slowly and know that your skills will build with practice.”

    Source: Madeleine Clark

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Expert Conversations

Hear from social educator Madelaine Clerk, Market Gardener, Chartered Accountant and Finance Manager and social entrepreneur Simone Weinstein, Conscious Kitchenas they share their experiences, expertise, tools, and resources to get control of your numbers.

  • Madelaine Clerk is a market gardener, chartered accountant and corporate finance manager. She co-owned and operated City Beet Farm in Vancouver, BC for 4 seasons, focusing on running an 82 person CSA, a weekly market, and online sales of vegetables and cut flowers. Madelaine is passionate about empowering farmers and creative entrepreneurs with the financial skills to build their businesses. She has developed financial planning courses for farmers and small scale producers with Richmond Farm School, Tsawwassen Farm School, Vancouver Community College, Young Agrarians and the Bad Academy.

  • Simone Weinstein has worked for four years in the sustainable food industry, working with dozens of food and farm businesses, small and large. They recently joined their partner in their food business The Conscious Kitchen, a zero-waste, organic prepared meal subscription service. They love hiking, canoeing, reading, and playing board games. They live on a 5-acre forest and farm property in Grey County with their partner, Celeste, and their two rescue dogs, Zara and Chester.